Written by EraseTheMatrix
No matter what the elite do. Do not riot. They want you to riot. And they want a civil war. My guess is they will try to steal the election from trump again. Hoping that this time it will spark riots and even a civil war from the right. Trump is controlled opposition. It is not worth starting a civil war over him.
Trump pretends to be anti establishment but he isn’t. He fast tracked the poke in the arm with operation warp speed. And he pushed bump stock bans and red flag laws. And he gave fema more power. Just do some research into trump’s background and you will see that he has been connected to the establishment for decades.
If you want to create real change just peacefully in large numbers refuse to comply with the system. That will get their attention. Nothing short of that is going to change anything. Voting is a rigged game and doesn’t change anything. Even if they didn’t steal the election all of the candidates are bought and paid for by the establishment. Including trump.
I should also point out that they could use riots or civil war as an excuse for gun confiscation. They will say that we can’t have something like this happen again so we need to confiscate everyone’s firearms. So we do not want violence of any kind because it will just give them an excuse to try to disarm us.
So the elite want riots and chaos. It just gives them an excuse to grab more power. It is also a reason we should never give up our firearms. We need them to defend ourselves in case there are riots, civil war, etc.
So if you want to change the world stop voting for fake political saviors like trump. Trump is not remotely anti establishment. He just pretends to be. The real solution is peaceful non compliance. Peacefully in large numbers tell the government to take a hike. Because you won’t be complying with them anymore.
Edit. I do not support trump and I do not vote. I could care less who wins the election. Trump is controlled opposition so I will not vote for him or anyone else. I just wanted to make that clear. I don’t know if they stole the election in 2020. But either way a lot of people think they did. And if they do it again it may get trump supporters to riot. And that is something we don’t want.