Written by EraseTheMatrix
From what I can tell the matrix is really just waveform frequency energy fields. That get decoded by the five senses into electrical signals. And sent to the brain. And that is where it gets decoded into a three dimensional hologram.
So there is nothing out there but waveform frequency fields. This is obvious with the sight and sound senses. They both decode waveform fields into electrical signals and send them to the brain. But the other senses probably work in a similar way.
They even have pain relief systems now that can block the point of pain from sending signals to the brain. So it’s all in your head. If signals from the five senses don’t reach the brain you don’t feel them. So the brain is a virtual reality headset.
So there is nothing out there but waveform frequency fields. What I can’t understand is why the seemingly physical world is so dense. If it’s just waveform frequencies why is it so dense. I have two theories. Either the density is just a decoded illusion and it’s really only dense in your head. Or it’s made of densely packed waveform energy fields so it’s dense when it is decoded by the brain.
I had an astral projection experience once where I made an astral world more dense and it became more dense and more difficult to change. But in the astral there is no brain or complex decoding system. You just usually perceive things the way they are.
I have a theory that with more energetic strength you could decrease the density of a small area of the matrix. I was able to make a small area less dense with intention but it was difficult and as soon as I stopped focusing on the changes it got more dense again. But with enough energetic strength you could probably make it really less dense .If we could make it less dense enough we could use our god like powers to manifest what we want.
So either the density is all in our head or the matrix is made of dense waveform frequency fields. Either way it’s a simulated reality. And everything you perceive is really just waveforms turned into electrical signals and decoded by the brain. So the brain is a virtual reality headset.