We will harvest the currently-wasted souls in our food production industry, selling animal and plant souls to devils. Right now many billions of animals are killed each year for food production, and their souls are allowed to simply leak into the ethereal atmosphere. This is spiritual pollution on a grand scale. We will also sell human souls to angels. As per company policy we sell human souls only to angels no matter what they did in life, although there are better and worse angels to have your soul sold to. For animal, plant, bacteria, and other types of non-human souls we will allow humans to purchase them on marketplaces like Amazon and eBay. They can be used for blessings on their allies (as per divine metaphysics, blessings cannot be used on the purchaser of the soul) and curses on their enemies. These affect dreams and probability.

Soul Harvesting & Selling

Agent 1
Agent 1 lives in the USA and is the current CEO and Founder of the Center Intelligence Agency. This is not to be confused with the Central Intelligence Agency, which Agent 1 wants to become the CEO of as well. He spends his days online, creatively altering the fabric of reality through electrons. He also enjoys petting his adorable cat and playing the videogame Vermintide 2.